A spirit attachment is an “intelligent” disembodied human spirit or other life form that has attached itself to a living person’s energy field, aka aura.
The following is a list that is strongly indicative of a spirit attachment.
Entity or spirit attachment generally affects 6 key forms – physical, emotional, mental, psychic, environmental and life
Physical Body
Emotional State
Mental State of Mind
Psychic Senses
Environmental Surroundings
Life Challenges
Assessment: It is important to note that not all the above indicate entity attachment and could be caused by other things, so it’s important not only to remain rational but review all available information.
There needs to be an honest assessment of one’s energy field and physical self to determine a spirit attachment is present. If you or an individual suspect there is an attachment present, decisive action can be taken.
Detection: There are many ways to detect a spirit attachment.
This can be through regression therapy
Aura scanning - On site only 3D imaging in real time (Cicero IL.)
Journaling and Automatic Writing - Available through classes - Seasonal
Using a Blue Mirror
Pendulum Readings
Examining dreams -Complete Consultation or Through dream classes - Seasonal
Special meditations, Prayers - on site or through Zoom
We make use of a 3D Aura Scan to you can see in real time. Immediate Consultation and We email you aura pictures and print outs. (Prefered method)
We offer all methods you may choose. Many are via remote through Zoom. For on site only methods We are in Cicero, Illinois. All methods are $60.00 per person. We use email to send attachments about your visit.
Clearing and Cleansing and Sage
The ritual of burning herbs and herbal resins is common to many cultures in the world. From the rich frankincense of the Churches and the Middle Eastern bazaar, to the heady incenses of Asia . The raw energy of brush burning in many native cultures in America and throughout the world. The purification of space through this modality is a global phenomenon. Burning sage is one of the oldest methods of cleansing a person, group of people or space. While Native American sage burning is the most commonly recognized form of it today, it has nevertheless been a shared practice in other cultures too.
From the ancient Celtic druids who used sage as a sacred herb for burning as well as medicinal purposes, to the Indigenous Peoples of the Amazon whose ‘Palo Santo’ (sacred wood) sage burning ceremonies are still practiced to this day.
Spiritual cleansing
Spiritual cleansing is done to remove the negative energies or unwelcome spirits from your home using purified herbs. Smudging clears away any negative energy, thoughts and bad feelings and helps in clearing one's body's aura. Spiritual cleansing with sage is done for protection against evil and negativity. Smudging is a powerful cleansing technique from the Native American tradition in which herbs are burned for emotional, psychic and spiritual purification. The effectiveness of smudging is based on the theory that the smoke attaches itself to negative energy and as it clears it takes the negative energy with it, releasing it into another space to be regenerated.
Sage is a herb which is held sacred in many religions due to its effective purifying energies. Sage is used as herbal medicine due to its anti-biotic, anti-fungal and antispasmodic properties. It heals by bringing the patient back in to balance and cleanses the body negative spirits and impurities. The botanical name for sage is Salvia and it is commonly called white sage.
House cleansing with sage: Ritual
A sage cleansing ritual for driving off negative energy from your home is not difficult.
White sage for smudging is available in the form of wrapped long bundle. If you have loose sticks of white sage, place a handful of sage in the earthen bowl. Light the end of the sage stick. Hold it in upward position and say your prayers, chants or requests for positive energy to cast out of any negativity. Offer the smoke of the sage smudge in all the directions of the house. Walk through the entire house.
Once you have completed the spiritual cleansing process of the entire home, extinguish the remaining sage bundle and you can save it for future use. Conclusion: Spiritual house cleansing by using sage brings harmony and peace inside the home. It purifies the space.
Short video clip to give a visual and tips on how to Sage Cleanse